The Business Case

We understand investments need returns, investing in people is no exception.

When people individually want to do their best at work, the cumulative impact of high performance is business growth and success. This creates a strong business case for investing in and empowering people.

Familiar issues

Your business challenges

  • productivity levels not as high as you would like?
  • customer service levels not meeting their targets?
  • high absence levels or turnover amongst employees?
  • skills shortages and difficulty in attracting staff?
  • training that is not leading to sustained change?

Employee challenges

  • not working effectively enough as a team?
  • feeling unsupported or not valued enough?
  • loss of passion or enthusiasm to work?
  • not developing to their potential?

We’ve been there

Running a business is tough

Even when businesses want to do the right thing for employees, budget is always a factor. It’s rarely possible to identify a linear ROI for training and people initiatives. It is more of a matrix effect with a range of measures that can be used to evidence the value of interventions. Examples might include people related metrics like absence levels or staff turn over; quality standards, productivity levels, or customer service scores.

Getting it right is challenging

Spending on developing people can be costly and may not be effective if not embedded and part of an approach that leads to sustained changes in behaviour and culture. With many models, tools and training, there is no ‘right or wrong’ about it. It is about increasing self awareness, and how this is used both individually and collectively to unleash the power within.

We can help provide solutions

It is not about using self-awareness as an excuse for perpetuating behaviours but as knowledge to develop flexibility in how we behave and interact with others for more effective outcomes. Discretionary effort (between what we have to do and what we could do) and engagement is an outcome of doing the right thing for people, and creating a place where people want to work. 

Addressing your challenges 

We want to help you to grow your business, for it to be a place where people want to work, where you deliver a great product or service (we might be a customer!) and build a great brand and reputation. For more info please see below, or contact us now to discuss working together.

Your business matters

Cost of absence and stress

  • top causes of long-term absence are mental health (59%) and stress (54%).
  • 37% of organisations have reported an increase in stress related absence.
  • relationships at work are one of the top 3 causes of stress related absence.

Cost of absence and stress

  • top causes of long-term absence are mental health (59%) and stress (54%).
  • 37% of organisations have reported an increase in stress related absence.
  • relationships at work are one of the top 3 causes of stress related absence.

Effects of absence and stress

  • how much sick pay do you pay each year?
  • how much productivity is lost due to absence?
  • how is customer service affected by absence?
  • what’s the cost of replacement staff?

Cost of low engagement

  • 25% say due to conflict at work they are now looking for another job.
  • 57% agreed they have to work harder than expected, in order to meet targets.
  • Only 10% strongly agreed with ‘A job is just a way of earning money’.

Cost of low engagement

  • 25% say due to conflict at work they are now looking for another job.
  • 57% agreed they have to work harder than expected, in order to meet targets.
  • Only 10% strongly agreed with ‘A job is just a way of earning money’.

Effects of low engagement

  • how much are you having to spend on replacing staff annually?
  • what are the direct costs of recruitment? (agency spend, advertising etc)
  • what are the indirect costs? (reduced performance, impact on team etc)

We can help

Support people 

The combined effort of unleashing the potential of all your employees will have a massive and positive impact on your organisation, by increasing their energy, enthusiasm, output and performance. This is the business case for working with us; however, it is also about doing the ‘right’ thing for your staff.

Empower the workplace

We create workplaces where people feel valued, included, enjoy good health and wellbeing, and can develop skills, knowledge and experience. That is why we love working with organisations who recognise the value of unleashing this potential, not just for the business but for the people who are your business.

Unleashing your Power
to be who you want to be.

I love the work I do - supporting and enabling people to be the best version of themselves, as well as the collective impact of this for organisations. This may include wellbeing, self-acceptance, building confidence, or identifying and working towards goals in work and other areas of life. It would be great to have a chat to learn more about the changes you are seeking and how I might help.

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