A Growth Mindset for Positive Resilience

by | 24 Oct 2023 | Mental Health, Positive Resilience, Unleashing You, Wellbeing

A growth mindset, when we actively seek to learn from our experiences and develop our knowledge, is a pillar of positive resilience.  It is about having a desire and the motivation to improve and view setbacks as part of the learning.


The importance of growth for positive resilience

There are two types of mindset – fixed and growth.  This is an area extensively researched by Dweck, who first defined the terms.  If we have a fixed mindset, we believe that our intelligence is at a set level, we will avoid challenges, give up easily when we encounter problems, see putting in effort as pointless, and miss out on so much!

If we have a growth mindset, we recognise that intelligence can be developed which creates a desire to learn more.  We are likely to embrace challenges, persist when we encounter barriers, learn from feedback and mistakes, and see effort as worthwhile in our pursuit of growth.

We can choose which mindset to adopt by altering our perspective, although this can involve challenging some deeply held limiting beliefs.  When we do have a growth mindset the impact is powerful.

 The benefits of a growth mindset

With a growth mindset we believe we can overcome challenges, learn, develop, and seek to reach our potential.  Experiences enable us to develop more strategies and to adapt and cope with further challenges.

When we have this approach, we will push ourself, be open to learning with a curiosity to understand new things, and persevere when things are tough.  Making the change towards a growth mindset can initially feel hard as we have to move beyond our comfort zone and make ourself vulnerable to failure and setback.  However, through working on our overall positive resilience we will develop skills and strategies that increase our confidence in our ability to cope, adapt, and learn.

A growth mindset is also about having the desire and motivation to improve and we to want to learn.  This is about learning in its broadest sense.  Not just about knowledge, but self-awareness, behaviours, coping strategies, etc.

The benefits of a growth mindset include lower self-reported levels of stress and poor mental health.  A fixed mindset has been shown to be linked to higher levels of anxiety and stress.  Learning was also identified as one of the five factors of wellbeing by the New Economic Foundation

A growth mindset has also been linked to wider health behaviours, with those with a growth mindset being shown to take greater ownership for healthy lifestyle habits for their overall wellbeing.

Tips for developing a growth mindset

In reality we will have a mix of mindsets.  In some situations we adopt a growth mindset, in others we may find ourself stuck in a fixed one.  It can be helpful to reflect on where we may be inadvertently holding ourself back through a fixed mindset.

  • Start with self-reflection. When faced with something new, what do you notice about your thoughts and emotions?  If you notice an unhelpful inner narrative, perhaps telling you you can’t do something or aren’t good enough, challenge the thought, reframe it as an opportunity to learn.  If you know you will succeed, what will you do first?
  • Be open to feedback and criticism. Consider what you can learn from it to do things differently next time. Recognise it is context specific and not linked to your overall worth or value.
  • We will all experience failure. Reflect on what you have learnt and how that can inform a different approach next time.
  • Embrace openings to learn in all areas of your life, whether a conversation with someone, watching a documentary, reading something, trying a new experience, the opportunities are endless!

This is the one of a series of blog about the seven pillars of positive resilience.  Each includes tips on developing the resource. You will notice overlaps and focusing on one can benefit other pillars with a cumulative outcome of greater positive resilience.  If you would like your personal Positive Resilience Profile to identify your current level in each of the areas get in touch.

The Positive Resilience Profile is a psychometric test developed by Peoplewise which we are accredited to provide.  It enables you to understand your current level in each pillar and get tailored guidance on developing each to enhance your positive resilience.  Contact us now to learn how to get your profile.

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